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1 General conditions of sale and delivery for the technology industry

Issued by Vereniging FME, filed at the Registry of the District Court of The Hague on May 13, 2022 under number 13/2022. © Vereniging FME/FME Advocaten 2022 (www.fme.nl)

Art. 1 General

1. If these terms and conditions are part of offers and agreements to perform deliveries and/or services by a supplier for a buyer, all provisions of these terms and conditions shall apply between these parties, insofar as they have not been deviated from by an explicit written agreement between the parties. Any reference by the buyer to its own purchasing or other terms and conditions is expressly rejected by the supplier.

In these terms and conditions, the following definitions shall apply:

product: the performance(s) that the supplier performs for the buyer, such as delivery of goods, assembly of goods delivered by the supplier or not, contracting of work, maintenance, repair and services, such as advice and inspection;

good: a material object, including any software included therein;

software: software exclusively included in the delivered good;

in writing: by letter, e-mail message and in any other manner agreed upon by the parties, other than orally;

additional work: any performance performed by the supplier in consultation with the buyer, whether or not recorded in writing, in addition to the agreement;